My name is Terrica Crawford. I have worked in education for 17.5 years. I have been an assistant teacher, a teacher, a mentoring teacher, and now I am the instructional coach at Holly Springs Primary School. I am a prodigy of the Holly Springs School District.
So, what is an Instructional Coach and what is my job? Quite simple. My purpose and role as an Instructional Coach is to support teachers and students. I am here to assure teachers and students are successful. I offer support such as modeling classroom lessons for teachers and working with a struggling teacher one on one to reassure students success.
Holly Springs Primary School prepares teachers to reach beyond the traditional classroom and move toward students centered classroom environments. Our classroom offer one on one differentiated classroom settings, interventions catered to the students specific needs, engaging lessons to keep any student focused, and professional development that use data to target teachers and students' growth. Our school offers a repertoire of resources to make a difference in the lives of our students here at Holly Springs Primary School. I encourage you to visit our school and see how we are making a difference in the lives of your child or children.