
Tarry Scott Martin, Counselor

Contact info 662-252-.252-1768 ext.1203

Office Hours: Mondays and Thursdays 10:00 am - 3:00 pm



counselor pic

School Wide Counseling

Skill 6:Completing Assignments


    1. Ask yourself, "Are my assignments complete."
    2. Look over each question to be sure.
    3. When you are sure your work is finished submit it.
    4.  Say to yourself,  "Good for me,  I finished it !"


What picture describes you when you have completed your assignments.


Have you completed  all of your assignments.

Reply with yes or no in message form below.

  You must be logged in to use this form.


Use your journal to record your feelings.

1. Ask yourself , "Is my work finished."

2. Look over each question to be sure.

3. When you are sure your work is finished, hand it in.

4. Say to yourself, "Good for me! I finished it."


Practice This Skill.

With whom will I try this?


What happened?

How did I do?



If your child is anxious or worried and need to talk to someone please call the school and ask to speak to the counselor.

I am here for you!